St Kilda World Heritage Site: Redevelopment of Ministry of Defence Facilities, Village Bay
This summer works will begin on improvements to the Ministry of Defence facility on St Kilda.The Ministry of Defence has had a presence in Village Bay, St Kilda since the 1950s and the current buildings date to the early 1970s. Working with defence contractors QinetiQ and Skye- based architects Wittets, plans were submitted to redevelop these buildings by constructing a smaller building using designs and finishes that are much more sympathetic to the surrounding landscape. Once complete the old buildings will be demolished.
The plans have been developed with the full co-operation of the National Trust for Scotland as St Kilda’s owners, as well as the Scottish Government’s agencies Scottish Natural Heritage and Historic Environment Scotland.
Specialist contractors Galliford Try International and Hugh Broughton Architects will develop the design and undertake construction using expertise gained through building similar facilities in environments with challenging climates, including work for the British Antarctic Survey.
Construction will begin in April 2017 and is not scheduled to be complete until the end of 2018.
The works will not affect access to the village nor any of the historic buildings and we are working with Galliford Try and QinetiQ to minimise disruption. However this is a major build project and so there will be associated visual intrusion and increased noise and traffic within the MOD area and on the road. We are supportive of this development as we believe the new build will reduce the impact of the MOD facility and enhance the setting of the historic buildings. The improvements will also mean greater energy efficiency and so there will be reduced emissions and fewer supply vessel trips. I want to thank you in advance for your understanding and patience during this time as we work with our partners to improve the landscape of St Kilda and the environment of those who work there.
If you have any queries or require further informa2on then please don’t hesitate to get back to me
Susan Bain
Western Isles Manager Na.onal Trust for Scotland Balnain House 40 Huntly Street
Inverness IV3 5HR
dd:01463 732 645 mobi: 0791 708 1825