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Hunters Gather...

On Wednesday the 1st of July 2015, passengers and crewmen alike, were left completely awestruck by their sighting of a small pod of Orcas. Kilda Cruises were established in 2005 so the crew have of course seen Orcas before, however they have never seen them hunting.

Kiwi popsicle

Owner of Kilda Cruises, Angus Campbell said;

'St Kilda never ceases to amaze me, in eleven seasons of running trips to St Kilda we have occasionally seen orca. This season has been exceptional with quite a few sightings. Wednesdays trip however provided a rare spectacle - a pod of orca off Boreray hunting and feeding on seals. No Disney World show this, just nature in its pure state. We were able to observe at close quarters and although we are careful in our approach to these observations, these guys were keen to show us how clever they were. Incredible animals!'


The footage here by crew member Malcolm Campbell shows that the Orcas very much seemed to enjoy showing off their dinner!

The second lot of footage by David Campbell, shows their rather intimidating and enormous size as the boat/camera wobble when they come close....

Our experience even made the Press and Journal.

A trip to St Kilda in itself is a compeltely unique experience, but our passengers on Wednesday were truly delighted with the added bonus of seeing these astounding creatures in the wild in such very close proximities.


( © Photo Credit to one of our passengers, Donald Paterson )

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